Common Commands
- Check version:
CUDA check version
- List envs
conda info --envs
- Create env
conda create -n tf_115 python=3.7 tensorflow-gpu=1.15
conda create -n tf_220 python=3.7 tensorflow=2.2.0=gpu_py37h1a511ff_0 scikit-learn
- Activate env
conda activate tf_220
- Install env on Jupyter notebook
- Create env and activate it
conda create -n tf_220 python=3.7 anaconda ipykernel tensorflow=2.2.0=gpu_py37h1a511ff_0
conda activate tf_220
- or install if created and activated
conda install -c anaconda ipykernel
python -m ipykernel install --user --name=tf_220
- Create env and activate it
- Remove env
conda remove -n $name --all
- List packages in env
conda list -n tf_200
Jupyter lab
- List jupyter notebook
jupyter notebook list
- Run background
nohup jupyter lab &
jupyter lab --allow-root --ip= --port=8888
- Stop
jupyter notebook stop 3443
Jupyter kernel
- List kernels
jupyter kernelspec list
- Install kernel
ipython kernel install --user --name=<name of kernel>
- Uninstall kernel
jupyter kernelspec uninstall <name of kernel>
tensorboard --logdir logs/log_dir --bind_all
tensorboard —-logdir logs/log_dir —host —port 6006
- Release GPU
for i in $(sudo lsof /dev/nvidia2 | grep python | awk '{print $2}' | sort -u); do sudo kill -9 $i; done